Subject: re: mission
Posted on: 2023-01-02 03:01:54 UTC

Huh. That's an interesting comparison you bring up between Kaguya and Vil. They are very similar, yet Inasuke idolizes the canon character while despising his own teammate. Inasuke calls Kaguya lazy, yet we know Kaguya puts an incredible amount of effort into his appearance and his ceremonial rituals, not to mention his gaming! I guess Inasuke just doesn't like the idea of Momoka being Kaguya's servant, like I initially didn't? I hope Momoka will get the opportunity to speak her mind and show Insuke she isn't a slave!

I'm curious to learn in future stories what Kaguya's untranslated dialogue was, and why his demeanor has changed so much because of this mission . . .

—doctorlit will read the other story soon(?)

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