Subject: Oh, that's lovely.
Posted on: 2023-01-04 09:02:48 UTC
I'm dismayed to discover that none of my DOGA agents have a decent excuse to ever use it, but it is lovely nonetheless.
Subject: Oh, that's lovely.
Posted on: 2023-01-04 09:02:48 UTC
I'm dismayed to discover that none of my DOGA agents have a decent excuse to ever use it, but it is lovely nonetheless.
As I come slightly better armed with knowledge on the subject and the ruler tool in ibisPaint, I hereby announce a series of adaptations of PPC flash patches into the kamon style. New thread because this series gon' be long.
First off, give it up for Department of Mary Sues:
Snow ring (雪輪) framing a peeking (覗き) barrel cactus. I chose a snow ring to represent the Special Snowflake Syndrome that comes with Suvianhood. I chose not to strictly use the original potted saguaro cactus design as I feel it's not "Japanese" enough, so I went for a flowering barrel cactus.
P.S: Am I allowed to add this to the wiki?
With the use of its ruler/symmetry tool, it's actually pretty easy. Outside of the frames which I download, I draw the designs myself.
Tortoise shell (亀甲) framing a flame. The tortoise shell references the world turtle myth, and the flame is drawn to resemble an onibi 鬼火 or a shiranui 不知火.
I'm dismayed to discover that none of my DOGA agents have a decent excuse to ever use it, but it is lovely nonetheless.
I'd love to see as many as you feel like making. So far my favorite is the DMS patch.
(Redesigns according to different cultures can be very fun, and very interesting! And these are just artistically nice into the bargain, which is even better.)
Thanks for sharing!
PS: I see no reason why these couldn't go on the wiki, especially if you have an agent who wears one. Even without that, really.
Sabres (剣) with three chasing (追い) DBS ducks. The sabres (those long bits with pointy ends) represent… that thing guys have.
I could totally see some agents wearing an alternate flash patch such as this (as a stylistic choice, of course).
Speaking of which, does anyone know if agents are allowed to use flash patches besides the "standard" versions? Imagine agents customizing their flash patch designs…
His is an embroidered crest of a three-eyed Mandarin duck rather than a rubber duck, since he specialises in Ancient Chinese settings and a rubber duck would look out of place. So someone who works in a Japanese setting, especially a more historical one, could absolutely wear something like that mon as a flash patch.
I can totally see him put that thing on the back of his haori.
Love it!
I’m not sure why you couldn't add it to the wiki; most departments have multiple flash patch designs anyhow.