March Writing Prompts! by
on 2023-03-05 09:21:21 UTC
They're back!
In all seriousness, apologies for not doing any last month, I wasn't in a great headspace at the start of the month and as the month progressed while I felt better I couldn't think of good prompts (and the idea of looking some up on the internet literally only just came to me as I write this). Also I wanted to try and write my own response to at least one of the prompts and I just wasn't in a writing mood.
But anyway, here are the three prompts for March, and I will (hopefully) be writing a response to one of them in the next week or two.
1) Your character has a secret
2) "A Surprise is just around the corner"
3) Keeping Traditions.
Well, good luck!
P.S. I don't frequent the discord anymore so idk if people would be open to the prompts there that don't look at the Board so much? Let me know and maybe we can figure something out.