Subject: Across the Spider-Verse and the PPC! (SPOILERS)
Posted on: 2023-06-11 23:50:28 UTC

Frankly, I’m surprised no one has brought this up yet.

In Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, it’s revealed that there’s an organization run by Spider-Peeps from across the multiverse dedicated to the preservation of said multiverse. If someone, like a displaced supervillain, changes a crucial detail in a universe (these details are even called “canon events,”) then that universe is in danger of collapsing, which is why task forces are occasionally sent out to correct these events.

Sound familiar?

Of course, it’s not all the same (the film’s organization is made up entirely of Spider-Peeps, Headquarters is located in just one dimension, the characters don’t use disguises, etc), but I find these similarities to be hilarious. I just kept thinking “Oh my Glod that’s like the PPC!” while watching the film.

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