Subject: That's not a contradiction.
Posted on: 2023-06-26 20:53:42 UTC
That's just different multiversal teams using different classification systems. Why should the Spider-People and the Illuminati use the same system?
It's a bit like the Canon Events (Spider-Verse), Nexus Events (Loki), and Absolute Points (What If). They all seem to be describing pretty much the same thing, just from different perspectives. It seems that the universe doesn't much care what happens between these Events - you can muck about with those bits of time without much bother - but if you try and change an Event, you end up in capital-everything TROUBLE. The trouble you get depends on how you do it - if you try to use an Infinity Stone it simply can't be changed, if you move an Infinity Stone from its destined place it creates a branching timeline, and if you're crazy enough to use something from another timeline entirely, yeah, don't do that.
Throw in the fact that the TVA was meddling for some but not all of the MCU-related time travel stories, and the fact that moving forward in time likely has its own set of rules (as seen in "Agents of SHIELD" and way back in "X-Men: Days of Future Past"), and you end up with something surprisingly similar to New Who's "fixed point in time" model. Most of history can wriggle around as it likes, but change the anchor points and you muck things up.
(Whether the Multiverse is really all just alternate timelines, given that Spider-Verse has shown live-action universes, and Doctor Strange showed an animated one, is a question for another day.)