Subject: elloo, have this flying camera I found in a badfic once (nm)
Posted on: 2023-07-18 09:40:05 UTC
Introduction! by
on 2023-07-17 18:56:39 UTC
Hello! I exist. I qread the constitution; starting J&A:TOS now.
Will answer questions!
I also don't know how to continue this post...hopefully it's not supposed to be too grandiose or anything.
I look forward to doing stuff!
Welcome! by
on 2023-07-21 01:05:33 UTC
Bit late to the party, whoops. Have a dragon plushie, I have a lot of those. Have fun and welcome to the PPC!
-Thunder (still kicking around and still working on their first PPC mission in the background)
elloo, have this flying camera I found in a badfic once (nm) by
on 2023-07-18 09:40:05 UTC
Hi! Have a scoop of 🍨! by
on 2023-07-18 00:36:16 UTC
You can call me Yuki. I'm the writer of the Four Demonly Kings and Fairy Godfathers spin-offs and stuff. Do you like cookies n' cream ice cream?
Hello there! by
on 2023-07-18 00:24:08 UTC
I'm Tomash, one of the resident tech wizards (this here Board is mostly my fault, for instance)
Have two cents, since you might need to add them to discussions.
Hi! It's rad to—wait, no, lemme start over. by
on 2023-07-17 19:41:30 UTC
Hello! It's nice to meet you. It's also nice to use words longer than three letters. I've been restricting myself to short words (three letters or less) as a fun challenge for a while today. ^_^
A short intro is fine! Common things it's cool to share are fandoms you're into, how you found the PPC, favorite PPC stories/characters if you have them yet, what pronouns you want people to use for you, and your rough age and location (e.g., college student in the U.S.; nothing too specific!)
Also feel free to use this thread to ask any questions you have for us! The wiki is a great place to find most answers, but it doesn't know everything. {= )
The Typical Questions™ by
on 2023-07-17 20:00:27 UTC
Let's rapid-fire them: MLP/Pokémon/Evangelion (if only for the displays of impressive destructive power by the Angels)/Godzilla/Warriors/probably some more I'm forgetting, a link to the citrus scale on TV Tropes, haven't read anything (big yet), he/him but they is fine too, post-secondary in Ontario, Canada (EST/EDT)
As for questions, I've got lots. Where do I even go to ask for the Discord invite? How long does it normally take to get an agent character? What are the other questions I'm forgetting?
Questions you forgot. by
on 2023-07-17 22:36:42 UTC
We have FAQs for that! You may want to start with the FAQ: For Newbies. Other FAQs are linked from it.
To add to what Linstar said re. agent characters, as a Permission Giver, I'd say it generally takes rather longer to get Permission these days. I like to have a strong sense that someone will be a good fit in the community before I hand out the keys to our shared universe, so it depends on how you interact—and since I'm not in the Discord much, I tend not to be aware of anything not on the Board. It's especially helpful to participate in any writing challenges (such as Novastorme's monthly prompts) or games that get posted here. Commenting on other people's stories is excellent social currency in a writing community, too.
And, y'know, not being a big jerk, but that's what the Constitution is for. {= )
welcome gift! by
on 2023-07-17 21:16:21 UTC
Welcome!! As a welcoming gift, I give you a box of heart shaped candies, which will taste what your favorite taste in the world will taste like!! :D
Enjoy your day <3
Answers! (ish) by
on 2023-07-17 20:42:10 UTC
I've notified the Discord mods as to your request, one of them should post a link soon. Edit: Mas beat me to it.
As far as Agents, it... depends? To officially write one, you need Permission, which has specific requirements. Usually it takes at least a month.
I have no idea. How would I know?
PS. Have an exploding banana! Don't point it at yourself, though.
Discord Link by
on 2023-07-17 20:36:13 UTC
Hello! Here's an link to the Discord that will expire roughly 12 hours from time of posting:
Welcome by
on 2023-07-17 19:34:36 UTC
Have a casket full of biscuits, but more importantly what questions were you planning on answering? Do you know where we can find Hoffa's body? How the pyramids were built? Where I left my car keys?
Re: Welcome by
on 2023-07-17 19:42:16 UTC
I meant the questions that I was told I'd be asked, but I can answer those too:
- I don't know; to answer in the affirmative would suggest involvement which I am definitely not going to put upon myself.
- Slowly.
- Have you tried retracing your steps?
Sidenote, thank you for the biscuits.