Subject: P.S: Inspiration
Posted on: 2023-08-14 02:23:10 UTC
The idea for this came from the Sue Scalp Belt 😉
Subject: P.S: Inspiration
Posted on: 2023-08-14 02:23:10 UTC
The idea for this came from the Sue Scalp Belt 😉
Now available in stores around HQ, agents can now buy hilariously named lipsticks based on common Suvian archetypes. I've decided to first release 4 types, then make more later once I get more ideas.
Or let you fight the forces of evil with the force of the rainbow?
This set of four lipsticks based on Stu archetypes also takes inspiration from the Four Gods of East Asian mythology. Behold:
Yes, that black one has no shine; it's Vantablack.
The idea for this came from the Sue Scalp Belt 😉
Because that pink one looks mighty sus. And, I mean, I could see some enterprising and not-too-scrupulous entrepreneur saying to themself, "Gee, I bet people would go nuts for a lipstick that could temporarily impart just a teeny little bit of Sueish allure and immunity to dirt for a big date night..."
~Neshomeh is amused at this concept.
Though containing actual Sue glitter sounds like a good idea.