Subject: What, no Stuvian colors?! (joking) (nm)
Posted on: 2023-08-15 12:33:41 UTC
Introducing: PPC-themed Sue-inspired lipsticks! by
on 2023-08-13 04:32:36 UTC
Now available in stores around HQ, agents can now buy hilariously named lipsticks based on common Suvian archetypes. I've decided to first release 4 types, then make more later once I get more ideas.
But do they give you pretty dresses and cool thingamabobs in your hair? by
on 2023-09-04 19:11:32 UTC
Or let you fight the forces of evil with the force of the rainbow?
Worst case scenario, they just make you look incredibly pretty (nm) by
on 2023-09-14 02:41:53 UTC
Now introducing a Gary Stu line, with a unique twist by
on 2023-08-20 04:36:20 UTC
This set of four lipsticks based on Stu archetypes also takes inspiration from the Four Gods of East Asian mythology. Behold:
Yes, that black one has no shine; it's Vantablack.
What, no Stuvian colors?! (joking) (nm) by
on 2023-08-15 12:33:41 UTC
I want an urple lipstick. (nm) by
on 2023-08-15 15:52:40 UTC
P.S: Inspiration by
on 2023-08-14 02:23:10 UTC
The idea for this came from the Sue Scalp Belt 😉
Very important health and safety question: do they contain actual Sue glitter? by
on 2023-08-13 15:35:08 UTC
Because that pink one looks mighty sus. And, I mean, I could see some enterprising and not-too-scrupulous entrepreneur saying to themself, "Gee, I bet people would go nuts for a lipstick that could temporarily impart just a teeny little bit of Sueish allure and immunity to dirt for a big date night..."
~Neshomeh is amused at this concept.
Whatever it contains, it won't turn you into a Sue 🤣 by
on 2023-08-13 22:48:03 UTC
Though containing actual Sue glitter sounds like a good idea.