Subject: I don't know if they'll appear in PPC HQ, but...
Posted on: 2023-10-30 18:31:18 UTC

Corolla might still rope her friends into doing it at home, and then sneak the picture to the Multiverse Monitor, so here we are:

Fun day at the Turbo house!

Since Sergio (who has just turned 32) is now a racing car driver, little Keiko (4) has started stating she want to be a racing driver too! And, as such, both of them are wearing racing suits. Sergio's is supposedly an actual one (though the one featured is a prototype from the original canned version of the Cyber Circuits TWWA arc in which it was Sergio who raced for SUGO GIO Grand Prix), while Keiko's is most likely just a kid's costume. Nikki (29) is dressed in a "sailor fuku" Japanese school uniform. She went for a design similar to the one she used to wear in elementary school, but she's also a character replacement of Sakura Kinomoto from Cardcaptor Sakura so hers is more of a cosplay than a mundane Halloween costume... And Corolla (officially 13, but Unison Devices are ageless) is dressed as a lab scientist. Quite fitting, isn't it?

Oh, and for those wondering, yes. This time I made a proper "little Keiko" model instead of just resizing her regular one.

But i could be happy with just this? Of course not, so we have the The World Without Authors edition too!

They didn't get it.

I went mostly for characters of mine who actually have been PPC Agents, with one exception (Ami). And the result, as you can see, is... mixed.

On the forefront we have Corolla, who still jumped at the chance to dress as a proper lab scientist.

Then, in the main row, left to right, we have:

  • Hajime is dressed as a girl scout (or, at least, my attempt to dress her like one) - in fact, being someone who likes outdoor activity and having been raised in the US she might've actually been one. It also means she's probably one of those who got closer to the "mundane Halloween" concept.
  • Ami is cheating. She claims that, since maid cafés are a thing in Japan, she's dressed as a waiter dressed up as a catgirl maid for her workplace's theme. The truth is, she just wanted to wear the catgirl maid outfit anyway.
  • Sergio just straight up didn't bother this time, since he's not really into dress-up parties. The "canon" version above, after all, is him wearing his actual racing suit to play with his daughter.
  • Nikki went for the "Sakura cosplay" again, mostly as a joke to Sergio in this case. He isn't really impressed by the idea.
  • Keiko, like her father, isn't really into dress-up, but she did a token effort and wore her (this time actual) racing suit. "Look, I'm a racecar driver. I hope you're happy now?"
  • Arumi also didn't bother, but she has an excuse ready: she's an artificial intelligence housed in a car, and she's dressing up as an ordinary human! By the way, this is how she would appear in the Multiverse Monitor issue too - she is still around in 2023 HST, as proven by the article published in the other Monitor she wrote.
  • Syaoron likely got roped in at the last minute, and did the first thing he could think off and wore a soccer player outfit. He might still be around in 2023 HST, but he would be around 35 years old by then so he would look a bit older.

Now, technically these aren't all of my agents, since there's Shiro, Saki and Emily, but Shiro would be basically Sergio again, I can't think of anything that would fit Saki, and I never really fleshed Emily out so I have no idea about what she would wear either.

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