Subject: Doctor Who: The Star Beast (spoiler-free review)
Posted on: 2023-11-27 10:28:49 UTC

So the Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials are in progress, beginning with Saturday's The Star Beast. If you like the Russel T. Davies era of Who, then you are in luck: this episode is a textbook example. Stakes are raised, twists are turned, references are made, subtlety is a myth, solutions are pulled literally out of nowhere. Also, "What? What? What?!" is said over and over and over.

What was obvious is that David Tennant was having so much fun. I'm specifically thinking of the scene in the white room, but he spent the whole episode Doctoring up to, er... 14, I guess! We were very pleased with his companion (who's in all the trailers but I know people don't necessarily see those); a well-deserved appearance. And we can't fault the ending.

In conclusion, simultaneously spoiler-free and stuffed with them:


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