Subject: This isn't even Umbridge's final form!
Posted on: 2024-02-13 03:28:21 UTC

Yes, I also thought it would be funny to have Draco try to get Harry's wand -cough- at the start of their duel. It was just trying to get the two to argue rather than fire spells at each other. The whole thing was pretty chaotic, with Neville distracting everyone else and the two of them ignoring it to have their own little fight...

The unicorn horn ring is actually from a Purityworld fic where fem!Harry gets tricked into getting engaged to Zacharias Smith because of his family's slut-shaming virgin-detecting unicorn horn bracelet. Skeevy stuff. Perfect for a purity ring.

And yes, it really is sad that they only really had one year of being properly friends! Such is the tumultuousness of trying to befriend people whose families are also trying to pull them back over the ideological lines. And Draco is still in the process of deconstructing his culture, so we'll see how far he goes in "realizing the harm inherent in maintaining the status quo"!

Umbridge. Yes. She's horrible. She thinks she's providing a "balanced" view of things but when one side wants rights and the other side wants witches to be subservient and Muggleborns to assimilate or be ostracised, well... it's not really that balanced in the end, is it?

It is not Grubbly-Plank/Trelawney! It is a different teacher who teaches in a tower ;)

I'm glad you liked the song!

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