Subject: re: 5.10 doctorlit and Wanting to Vote For Lord Regulus Black in the 2024 U.S. general election
Posted on: 2024-03-10 21:41:10 UTC

I’m glad that, in spite of the emotional trauma, Qiu is at least recognizing that the situation she’s now in after Cedric’s death is pretty ridiculous, and that she’s starting to deconstruct her cultural expectations as unrealistic and unhealthy. Now, she just needs to start bringing Marietta along on that journey . . .

Nice work on all the speeches! They sound like they belong in the setting, while having a familiar vibe that echoes the way politicians speak in the real world , making the positions feel organic and believable. And Regulus’ speech is particular is just so strong and lovely . . . I honestly want to vote for him, I wish real U.S. politicians sounded more like him. The possibility of a more hopeful future really is there to take . . . But I’m also dreading what Gaunt’s retaliation is going to look like, especially given that the Black brothers didn’t make it out so great in the original series . . .

—doctorlit, surrounded by drowsy French bulldogs (pet-sitting this weekend)

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