Subject: Hello! I'm back. I don't suppose anyone remembers me?
Posted on: 2024-04-03 20:48:50 UTC
Bookworm at your service! takes off Dwarven hood and bows I have been tremendously busy with calculus and other things. I am now back for a little bit. I present you with two little bits of Silmarillion fanfic. Feel free to poke holes in them and give advice.
Still they are shining
Now in their sundered dwellings
Untouched by evil
It was after supper one evening. Maglor was sitting outside the house with his foster sons, Elros and Elrond watching the stars come out.
“Well, my boys, I think tomorrow morning would be a good time to go fishing,” said Maglor.
“Can we, Atar?” asked Elros, jumping up from the bench where he sat.
“Yes, we will,” said Maglor. “And now, if you will kindly refrain from jumping off the walls, it is time for bed. Look, I will go myself.” He walked back into the house. The twins followed him, laughing.
The next morning, well before the sun was up, he was awakened by the sounds of Elrond and Elros racing each other to see who could get ready the quickest.
“Can you not let an old elf sleep until a decent hour of the morning?” This was not the first time the twins woke him up absurdly early.