Subject: That is very, very pretty!
Posted on: 2024-08-24 05:02:54 UTC

I'm excited about Brian Cox voicing Helm. The voice and the name sounded familiar, and it turns out he was the narrator for The Colour of Magic and the voice of Death in Good Omens (plus a ton of other stuff).

The bit that gives me the most pause regarding Hèra (beyond the proportion of focus on her and her eagle buddy with whom she does the now-obligatory hand-to-muzzle bonding moment for some reason??) is:

-- "You know nothing of war!"
-- "I'm the fastest rider you have!"

which is a bit of dialogue that would be at home in just about any grrl-power Suefic. However, it's not clear from the editing whether those lines are actually part of the same conversation, so maybe it's nothing to worry about.

I dunno about the belts, either, but maybe the one below her bust is for, er, support? Maybe?

The Japanese version of the trailer gives a bit of a broader view of what the story is about (not just her), so I'm also cautiously optimistic.

Some of the comments on the English version suggest there was an alliance between the Dunlendings and the Haradrim, so that may explain why mûmakil, if not how. I'm not currently home to review the Appendices myself. I suspect nothing will convince me there ought to be a Watcher, though.

But if nothing else, it's so pretty. ^_^


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