Subject: PoTC mission review!
Posted on: 2024-10-19 15:52:40 UTC

Hah, I liked how little attention Arare paid to the fic. The contrast between his aloofness and Urato's irritation was funny. I am curious to hear more about these "Seven Wonders" Arare is talking about, and his questioning of Urato's lack of fear.

I do think you did a pretty good job with the description at the beginning, though I think you could have used a little more of it throughout the mission. I think it was a good use of in media res, but I would also like to see some missions with more of an intro.


I did notice a typo in the line:

"Man, I wish I can mission with ya more often. Ya make a good personal air conditioner,"

I assume you meant to use "could" there?


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