Subject: Thanks for reading!
Posted on: 2025-01-11 03:24:55 UTC

I'm glad you liked the tail details, the disguise notes, and especially the screaming CAD joke - I've been worrying as of late my ability to match PPC tone and humor as of late, especially with the more unconventional endings and solutions I've had in my last few missions. It's something I'm trying to keep in mind for my one-off pieces to come and especially the more story-centric ESAS spinoff I'm hoping to start and end within the next two years.

For Intel sending them an ‘old shame,’ I’m a bit fuzzy on the details, but I think the idea when writing was that with every past ‘old shame’-type mission managing to send the correct ones to their matching author-insert, Intel must have some vaguely meta way of identifying them for assignment. Calling it an ‘old shame,’ I think, was meant to be just another step in that direction. I’m not fully sure, though, since I think that part was one of the first chunks of the mission I wrote, which would be over two years ago by now. Maybe with no self-inserts present when Intel found this fic, they ended up sending it to the only pair the author (moi) had in HQ? But hey, that's just headcanon at this point, haha. Could be something other spinoffs could touch on, who knows?

The 'don't take me as well' I do remember (at least, I'm 90% sure) as a reference to Alopecoid, where the CAD got taken away for maintenance (which the 'I thought we fixed that' statement developed off of).

I will say, when writing the ‘who’s the self-insert?’ jokes, I didn’t intend for the CAD nor the console to be confirmed as it, so it’s interesting to see both you and Linstar interpreting it that way. I don’t know whether that says good or bad things about my writing, haha.

And thanks for catching all the errors! I guess it makes sense for there to be more in a writing so disjointed and procrastinated on that I forced myself to finish by disregarding my usual over-polishing writing style. Honestly, I think my outline for when I first created the document and when I finished turned out drastically different. (Some of the paragraphs stuck together seem to just be a publishing format issue - they're double spaces on the editable doc itself for me. Odd, that.)

I'll try to get to the other responses as well tonight!

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