Subject: Ooh, ouch.
Posted on: 2012-06-12 19:09:00 UTC

(Will get to your cards when I get to them, but this is for the review)

That... is a somewhat overpowered ability. Let's see if I can fix it up.

-Movement: The rules appear to be badly-written on this (and many other) point. I think what I meant was that if Kawaii and Agent Acacia are at the same location, and Acacia wants to leave, Kawaii can try to block her (probably successfully). If Acacia wants to move in, it's up to someone at her current Location to block - Kawaii can't do a thing. She could block against a Reinforcement from an Enemy, but again, that would require someone to already be there.

-Ability wording: I'm assuming that you read this as 'Take two more actions', rather than the literal interpretation of 'After using this ability, do one more thing', which would make it nothing more than a stalling tactic. :P So... hmm.

What about if it said 'Minuet - Through the power of bad spelling, stretch time and take two non-special actions next turn.' That would still have that 2:1 advantage, but Kawaii's ATK and DEF are pretty low - with the dice it's always random, but she could go down in one hit from something sufficiently powerful (the Balrog, say - and with the new Narav card, you can try to summon It there), and anything sufficiently strong could well block all her attacks.

Unless she's on a Hill. Kawaii Baka on a Hill is a dangerous prospect - but that's why she's a Rare card, neh?

(I'm curious - with the Sues in general, are they overpowered because of their abilities, or because of their ruleset? Because, ooh, I can see massive problems with that Ensnare bonus - wow, even Kawaii could hit 7 ATK with three canons and a Hill. Maybe the bonuses should be to Defence instead - gives you more staying power rather than making you overpowered)


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