Subject: Re: Cameos?
Posted on: 2010-07-09 14:44:00 UTC

Miah and Cali could be there. They like beer. Miah might complain if only normal big American brands are available. She would drink Sam Adams Boston Lager or any other Sam Adams, really, or Bleepbeer. She always manages to have a "slept in my clothes" look about her (jeans, sneakers, and no logo t-shirt, hair in ponytail), and she is going on thirty.

Cali is in his late teens, but looks younger. He has extremely wild, bright blue hair, and never takes off his bright green rimmed, mirrored sunglasses. He wears very baggy styled pants, a long sleeved close fitting shirt, and gloves with no fingers. He's a "super" hero from Mystery Men continuum.

As long as this is going to be set sometime pretty soon, they probably smell like smoke. They might have soot smudges or even small burns-especially Cali, and they are probably making a bit of a fuss (without noticing that they are being too loud) about how they are not talking about Cali scaring the living daylights out of Miah playing super hero to pull a damned fool boy in a kilt who burned up all the furniture in the lounge out of the fire said boy (Unger) started. She may be refusing to let Cali have alcohol, as her mothering instinct is riled up; although it will be phrased sarcastically or even possibly with a bit of arm smacking level violence.

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