Subject: I guess that's me...?
Posted on: 2010-03-19 02:51:00 UTC

Technically hS is in charge of the Manual, and I think there were one or two other people with the password to the account, but I have no idea what hS's feelings are about it these days, and pretty much everyone else moved on. So, yeah.

I don't see what you're talking about either, though. I do seem to recall a strange thing with Freewebs where a mouseover would cause the text to become red (might've been one of hS's sites), but it has nothing to do with links. It's just Freewebs being dumb.

Incidentally, what with a seeming revival of interest in the Manual, does anyone want to actually help FINISH the thing? If so, please please let me know. Send me content and I will bloody well code the thing, and it will be amazing. {= D


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