Subject: Bucketload of questions and questionablefic
Posted on: 2010-03-18 20:20:00 UTC

Okay. As a perpetual questioner...

1. Is this badfic? A friend of mine likes it. I say sic the Department of Implausible Crossovers on it.

2. I've seen a lot of griping about in-text author's notes; what's the official standpoint on notes that are very clearly separated from the text of the story? I like them - they're sort of like those DVD extras in my mind.

3. I don't have permission and will be lacking in both permission and time for a bit, but would it be okay for me to post some characters anyway in case of roleplays and so I'll have plenty of time to work out all the problems?

4. This last one is more due to my love for weird hypothetical questions, but can anyone think of situations when things that are normally causes might not be? Like, if you were writing from the perspective of a character, and that character canonically had bad grammar, you'd have to. Same goes for urple prose.

So, uh, yeah.

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