Subject: Some answers.
Posted on: 2010-03-19 00:57:00 UTC

  1. I don't know anything about Final Fantasy before or after VII, so can't help here.

    2. I don't know if there is an official stance, but certainly the prevailing stance is that in-story author's notes distract from the story and are annoying; the place for author's notes is at the beginning or the end of the story/chapter, not within.

    3. If you mean the wiki, then no, we prefer people to wait until they have Permission to post their characters. However, there's nothing stopping you from putting them somewhere else, such as wherever you intend to post your missions when you DO have Permission. {= )

    4. Assuming by "causes" you meant "charges"... But yeah, there are plenty of circumstances like that. It's all about whether the fanfic violates the canon, and how badly. If a character speaking with bad grammar is canon, then it wouldn't be a charge in a fanfic (unless the ENTIRE FIC had horrible grammar).

    5. Agent training: possibly one of the most confused issues we have. Technically the answer is "yes," but the fact is that most agents never get it. Mostly they're just assigned a partner and learn everything from them, because if they don't they'll die horribly. For more on this, see the Manual, Volume 1, Chapter 5.

    Hope that helps. {= )


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