Subject: An introduction and a few questions
Posted on: 2010-03-16 06:18:00 UTC

I'm crazy, letting myself in for this. I've heard that insanity is an asset, though? Anyway, I would like (hah!) to join PPC, after the month or two of board presence required before requesting permission. This might actually turn out to be longer, as the short story I believe would be the best style submission is currently only a few sentences and a well-planned idea (my others are idea-and-few-sentence-long chaptered stories).

Anyway, a bit more introduction could be helpful. I'm called (as you can see) Goldenrod111 (nicknames derived from that are fine, though including the "Gold" is the best way to get my attention). The hundred and ten (or two) other "Goldenrod"s are, to the best of my knowledge, unharmed--I just really enjoy that number. I enjoy well-written stories and am planning rather enjoyable things to the Mary Sues who ruin them <gollum>Curse them! We hates them!</gollum>...Sorry! I have tried (see above) writing several stories of my own, and love hearing about a character's inner conflict, rather than the external (read "often artificial") problems that most stories revolve around. The department I think I would enjoy the DTE the most, but I don't have quite the attention to detail required for it (I would have completely missed the hull-full misrhyme), so I think I will write in the DMS. Now <abrupt topic change /> I have a few questions to ask.

1. What are the rules regarding recruitment from an original canon? I have seen at least one agent on the wiki with that designation, and I know that several other agents were taken from the real world, but what about using a character from a world that I have created (don't worry--I won't go easy on him)? Are there any special regulations regarding these characters? How would the PPC and my character learn of each other for the recruitment, or should I just not mention that?

2. Is there a better way of tracking messages across the board than using the five-entry RSS feed? I have clicked the box below this box for the daily updates, but I have a feeling that that is only for this thread. With the amount of messages that go through here, there really should be some better way of tracking new information.

3. Can I put in an early request for RC #421? I know it looks random, but there is some sense to it (one part is earlier in the post, the other is 5. Who can come up with the reason?)

I am sure that I had a few other questions, but I can't remember them at the moment. Maybe in the next post!

The interested recruit laughs maniacally and drags his hand--the last sensible part of his body--from several buttons that would delete the message, before forcing it to click on the "Post" button.

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