Subject: Thanks everyone!
Posted on: 2010-03-17 03:04:00 UTC

*rattles chains while trying to poke Neshomeh back, but eventually gives up*

Don't worry. It seems that the only way to leave HQ is if your destination is a padded cell, and I have no intention of going into one of those. I don't seem to be that far from it, though--I doubt that the little sanity I have left would be enough to feed even a newborn warg. I do enjoy Tolken--I'm not that crazy. I probably won't venture into that canon for a while, though. I still need to read most of the non-main-series books.

Thanks for the information on recruiting one of my characters. I was going to use a plothole if there wasn't some other established method of recruiting agents (excluding contacting the target--that would be harder to explain than a plothole!) I think I will attempt to insert whatever humor I can get into finding the plothole and my character's reaction to it. I don't think that he will be over-powered; he's a werewolf, but characterized in such a way that it might actually be more of a threat to his sanity than the Sues! Finding a nickname for him shouldn't be too hard--he currently doesn't have a name for it to replace!

I'm trying out that update-mailing link you gave me, gattsuru, but it does seem like the classic method is best. *adds page to home tabs*

It makes sense to ask for the RC in the same post as the permission. I was just wondering if there was a partially-reserved state for the rooms. Oh well. It's an odd enough number that I can't imagine anyone (other than me, that is) asking for it.

I found the answer to one of my forgotten questions (the postal department is in Infrastructure, not in the Discontinued section) and remembered another (below), but I do distinctly remember having three questions. I wonder if I'll remember it, or if it is gone forever.

I'm going to use FictionPress for posting my non-PPC stories (yes, I know that it's the Pit's sister, but the stories there are generally of a better quality. Who would have thought that creating an original world requires a higher level of coherence?), but I have not seen a list of rules. Where are they? I would hate to be deleted through ignorance.

Finally, thanks for all of the gifts, and especially the bleeprin! I'm compiling a list, and challenging myself to fit everything in the story. Expect to see them in print! many ways can I think of to get a Sue to meet a venomous arthropod?

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