Subject: Re: Issues
Posted on: 2010-03-14 08:08:00 UTC

I did pick that up, and I see I've been less then clear. My appologies. To clarify:
Mr White, as I imagine him, is not upper management, he is middle, one of many beurocrats who then answers to said flowers. a link in the chain, higher then assassins but lower then flowers. As I pictured it, you have the Flowers, who are in the big offices, have board rooms, and decide the policies of their departments, then you have, about four floors down, the bureaucrats like Mr White who handle the actual running of them, dealing with paper work, reports, and passing on orders, and then you have the assassins, who actually do the work.
I might be very wrong with how the organization works,
As to the agents, I actually based them on people I know, just made them a bit more extreme and some latent budding psychological problems.

As to Alaric, the armored bears have been described as incredibly strong, however I concede I may have exaggerated it a bit.

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