Subject: Hi, very confused newbie here looking for help?
Posted on: 2010-03-07 22:31:00 UTC

So, uh, hi. I found the PPC through TvTropes, did some research via the PPC wiki, and as you may have gathered, got really, really lost. So... everyone said the Boarders were welcoming, so I figured I'd show up, ask for help, and cross my fingers against screwing up, ruining a topic, or anything else. I've finished what's available of The Original Series, and I'm kind of wondering what I should read next, and where to find it, and how best to navigate the ever-growing PPC, and... all of that.

Oh, and should I be using this as an introductory post, to avoid multiple-thread disorder? New, easily confused person with a stupid username, fond of Pratchett (but haven't read all things Discworld yet, I'm working on it), ditto Tamora Pierce, Good Omens, Ender's Game, the Attolia books, Graceling and the Hunger Games, and I have an embarrassing weakness for very guilty pleasures. I tend to outgrow them, though. Mostly. I also like slash, but hate when people defame a canon female love interest to do it. Oh yeah, something of an anime newbie-fan; ditto Kingdom Hearts, and a writer of (in my opinion) mediocrefic.(Also, confession time - I have never been able to finish the Honored Tolkien Trilogy. It's too sad and depressing and the pretty world that's dying and why does the magic have to be going away and WHY IS IT IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND A COPY WHERE THE TEXT IS MORE THAN A MILLIMETER HIGH and - yeah, you get the picture.)

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