Subject: Re: Some spots to look
Posted on: 2010-03-08 12:58:00 UTC

Welcome, by the way. Have a platter of chocolate-covered profiteroles and a pet mongoose (available from the PPC Mongoose Shelter in RC 2816).

Unless things have changed while I've been lurking over the last year or so (in which case, apologies), probably the biggest collection of non-Original Series stuff is hosted on the DOGA-plex, which includes all of Huinesoron (hS)'s missions, and links to the Reorginisation and Crashing Down and so on (most/all of which were written by hS).

PPC Continuity is kind of fluid - there are things which aren't quite consistent between the various spin-offs, and some things happened entirely on chat (death of Makes-Things, IIRC). That said, those who have been more active than I over the last couple of years are better placed to fill you in on the more recent developments in the continuum.

Elcalion, welcoming

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