Subject: Introduction
Posted on: 2010-03-06 12:22:00 UTC

It's a pleasure to meet you all. I just discovered your little organization, and realized, in some divine epiphany or something, that it would be a terrible tragedy if I didn't try to become apart of something so awesome.

To introduce myself:
I'm username Unconquered, though given my email address my real name is not exactly hidden. I'm 'slightly' insane, massively egotistical yet at the same time deeply insecure, have a tendency to take things extremely seriously, sometimes about inconsequential details nobody else cares about.
I hate most things by default. If I like them, I take the slightest criticism of them personally. Particularly Tolkien. Anyone who goes against Tolkien better make peace with god (I sometimes get the two mixed up, but they are separate individuals). Also up there is Robert E Howard, Robert Jordan and a few other authors.
I'm never as eloquent as I'd like, though I'm not bad. And I live for a discussion.
I can never leave things once their done, in particular my own attempts at writing, and keep taking them out to tinker with them, even after they're mostly done. And most of them never make it past draft stage anyway.
My hatred of Sues comes from an unfortunate event in my childhood, that's ramifications I have never really psychologically recovered from.
I hate canon Sues nearly as much as inserts. But if I start on them, you'll never hear the end of me.
Aside from that I'm a well-rounded, well-balanced individual.
In short, I should fit right in.

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