Subject: Welcome to the Madhouse
Posted on: 2010-03-06 16:30:00 UTC

Nothing will ever make sense again.
Yes, I think you'll fit right in with the rest of us nutters; oh, and don't worry--none of us like Mary-Sues either.
Have a random pointy object.
And since no one has yet offered...*drags out an enormous bag*
Linkage! The Wiki--this is a general reference to everything PPC. This goes to all of Trojie and Pads' missions. They work in badslash, and are....slightly touched, shall we say. This is The Original Series. It is not to be confused with Star Trek. These are the missions of the original agents, Jay and Acacia.
Oh, and if you have the time after everything else, check out the DOGA files. They're the guys who get flamethrowers and can blow stuff up without getting in trouble...Well, not as much as other agents.
Anyways, welcome to the PPC, and remember--Have fun. Everyone here is crazy What do you mean I'm exaggerating?

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