Subject: It's a new guy.
Posted on: 2010-01-08 05:00:00 UTC

Aiya! I bring strange nerdery from distant fandoms!

So..yeah. I'm Mr. Eldritch, as I'm known on the 'tubes, and I'm a new member of this odd little sector of the infosphere. I'm prone to grammar-Nazism and other such lexical sins, and I'm a member of many obscure and little-inhabited fanbases (plus a number of less-obscure ones). I'm a terrible fanfiction writer (although I never actually post my abortive, unreadable failfests) and a fan of the PPC, conlangs, and am a collector of terrible internet-excresences.

And I have a strange aversion to swearing.

(And I can't speak Klingon worth a darn)


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