Subject: Interesting questions.
Posted on: 2010-01-07 16:57:00 UTC

Neuralyzer - No, I don't think it would work in that instance. You'd probably have to take the character to FicPsych.

Suvian healing - You could play it either way, I think. There are no hard and fast rules about what the canon fixes when the Sue is gone. In some stories it's almost everything, in others it's less. I guess it depends on how severe you think the Suefluence is.

Severely - Um... I have no idea. But if it were, it might be interested to meet Severe the mini-Aragog. Also, Severelys sounds like a Suvian name if you shift the emphasis to the third E.

Deadpool - Based on the little I know, it would make sense for him to be aware of fanfic and the PPC. And I'm not sure that's a good thing for us. He's a bit scary. O.o


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