Subject: Re: Me too...
Posted on: 2009-12-31 00:42:00 UTC

Actually, to your point about Earth still being "green"-- nuh-uh. It ain't happening. There's a guide-book to the movie that just came out(20 freaking dollars, damnit...) that said that Earth was basically an over-crowded cesspit that was just barely liveable. Think one of the worst slums you can find on Earth, doesn't matter where, multiply it by ten, and then spread it all over the entire world. Wait....That does fit the Nar Shaddaa thing pretty well, doesn't it? Eh, who cares? The book was good, but damn expensive, more's the pity.
Yeah, I guess it is a Toruk. Heheh. I've watched the movie twice already and plan to go a third time....*epic fail!* I suck.
The sad thing is, this once pristine, shiny new fandom sparkling with light has now been hit with a plague. Ye gads. Do suethors ever take a freaking vacation? Wait, no, don't answer that.
Travesty one: The Girl That Never Lived. *beats head against a wall* Oh god, make it stop. The main OC is Jake Sully's sister, which has no canon backing, has created her own Avatar body(in 3 to 4 months, when it takes about 6.9 years to make a full-grown one...that might explain something...), and her lack of description/story sense makes me sad.
Number Two: Pandora's Box. Why? Because the first person POV stinks, and the writing and some of the descriptions are horrible. Or it's just the lack of descriptions, except in the first paragraph where there's no pacing to speak of, and the only good descriptions are of the main antagonistic bastard and her stupid gengineered pet wolf. In the last two or three paragraphs of her first chapter, there's a description completely at odds with the entire freaking Avatar 'verse Earth. I'm sorry, but there is *no freaking room* for a godsdamned ranch! AHHHHHH!
Excuse me for a moment. I have to got beat my head against a wall until the pain stops. I may be prejudiced against most authors, but these two stories deserve the mile long rant. Both of them just seem....horrible.
*walks off stage, muttering about tylenol and a large hammer*

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