Subject: Might I suggest...
Posted on: 2009-12-05 01:44:00 UTC

... using your ideas for an original work, rather than a PPC-based one? I don't want to discourage you from joining or writing PPC-based stuff, but we decided as a community some while back that we'd had enough world-shaking events, and though I can't speak for the whole Board, my personal feeling is that what you're describing is more complicated than we're prepared to deal with right now. (I hope other people will speak up on the matter one way or another.)

This community was founded on a love of canon and light-hearted sporking. I don't know which PPC missions you've read, but you should read the Original Series, which is here:

Also, this is the article on Permission that Pads mentioned:

And finally, first poke! *pokes*



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