Subject: My Filking Attempt
Posted on: 2009-12-03 15:37:00 UTC

Sounds like fun, I'll try my hand at one of these, though I'm not sure how good it is:

"Mary Sues Roasting on an Open Fire" (set to "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire")

Mary Sues roasting on an open fire,
Minis nipping at their bones,
Bad fanfiction written by hormonal tweens
Making fan characters dressed like hos.

Ev'rybody knows poor spelling and obnoxious OCs
Can make a fanfic really bad,
The Mary Sues with eyes of gold
Find it hard to keep off their "twu luvs".

They don't know the PPC's on their way,
They've loaded all their weapons used to slay,
And ev'ry agent does aspire,
To see those Mary Sues fry.

And so I offer this simple phrase
To all you Mary Sues,
Although it's been said in may times, many ways,
"Get dead, you Sue".

...Yeah, it's not that good. You can use it if you want.

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