Subject: Permission
Posted on: 2009-11-29 20:07:00 UTC

I've been around for a while now, even if I don't post much, so I figured it was time to go for this. This is probably a good example of my writing (note that it's a first draft, so there are mistakes in it). I know it's kinda old, but I don't type stuff up very often. If you need more, or at least something more recent, there are some links to RP characters in my signature on that forum. I was pretty good at procrastinating with them, though.

I'd like one of my agents to be a newbie male human called Agent Smith (yes, he's seen The Matrix, and no, he doesn't think it's funny - it's just his name) whose primary hobbies are reading and video games, especially fantasy novels and RPGs. My other agent will be a Tonberry (creatively referred to as "Agent Ton") who is more experienced but doesn't speak much. He also happens to make Agent Smith rather nervous due to whole insta-kill thing Tonberries have going on.

They will be members of the Department of Mary Sues, in the Freelance Division, and their first mission will be to tackle this fic. Random girl gets sucked into Final Fantasy IX, immediately befriends the key player characters, and she is apparently destined to "save" the villains. Sounds like a Sue to me.

Is there anything else I need to do?

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