Subject: Re: Tell me about this "insta-kill" thing.
Posted on: 2009-11-29 23:14:00 UTC

A Tonberry is a monster that spends several turns slowly walking towards your party and then sticks 'em with it's knife once it's close enough. It isn't a straight insta-kill in every game, but that's the most iconic and well-known version. I'm not planning to use it in most missions - apart from anything else, Tonberries are pretty slow - but it's a useful option to have.

Besides this, I want the Tonberry more for what it'll do to Agent Smith's head than the insta-kill. Plus it's not really any different than having the option of saying "and then Agent so-and-so shot the 'Sue in the head". Which would be boring if I actually did it.

On that author's note - it would be a little more impressive if the 'Sue didn't effortlessly disarm one of the Knights of Pluto in the very next chapter. >.>

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