Subject: Oh Dear God.
Posted on: 2009-11-13 23:49:00 UTC

If you have any pity, any, for my poor abused soul, DO NOT POST IT. When/if you see it.

(Also. There's a U2 -fandom-? What IS it with people treating bands like they're fictional people?)

That said... my feelings for Bono are generally of respect and admiration sometimes toeing the line on idolatry, especially given he's more than old enough to be my father, and he's happily married (to a wife who's also amazing), but I have to admit that there are times (see: the video for The Ground Beneath Her Feet) when he reduces me to a puddle of gibbering drool. So I can kinda see that sort of thing. Except that for the average fangirl, at least my generation, he better have a freaking mullet because if you're writing about post-mullet Bono that is SQUICK to the maxcore.

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