Subject: Having a go at #3.
Posted on: 2009-09-15 17:06:00 UTC

3. Heartlessness Destroyed by Dhampire Hunter
Is it possible for Severus Snape to have a heart? Duh! Severitus. Slightly better summery inside Slytherin!Harry Vampire!Harry

Meir Brin of the Hogwarts Fanfiction Academy shook her head sadly. "There's no doubt about it," she told the assembled staff. "Madam Pomfrey says it's as bad a case of Severitus as she's ever seen."

"So, he's just going to keep doing that?" said Professor McGonagall. "Sort of... splintering like that?"

"Until the disease runs out of non-canon versions of Harry Potter to sever off him. Or until Professor Snape can brew the cure," Brin amended almost as an afterthought.

Harry Potter lay on a medical bed before them, looking pale, but fortunately sedated. Before their eyes, he grew filmy and indistinct, like a snake's skin just before molting. Then, as though someone had taken a knife and pared off an extra layer, a second Harry separated itself from the first and came to stand at the foot of the bed. This new Harry was almost the same as the first except for the Slytherin crest on his robes and the look of deep angst and woe on his face. He opened his mouth as though to bemoan his existence, but he was clouted soundly on the head first. He crumpled to the ground, revealing Madam Pomfrey and a very large case of medical supplies.

Pomfrey shrugged. "It's better for the patient this way."

The staff shook off their surprise and moved the new Harry to a bed of its own. At that time, Severus Snape appeared.

"How is it going, Severus?" Dumbledore asked.

Snape scowled. "The same as before, Headmaster. It won't work unless I can have a heart." He eyed Harry speculatively.

"Yes, it is a shame we had to destroy the last one," Dumbledore said, casting a look of regret toward a bed with a sheet thrown over it. The sheet didn't quite disguise the fact that the body beneath had a rather large stake through its chest. "But perhaps this new one will be of more use."

"We shall see," said Madam Pomfrey. "I'll ask you all to please keep back, this is a very sensitive matter."

The staff gave Pomfrey her space, as none of them really wanted to see what was about to happen. There came a sound awfully like splorch, and a smell of freshly cut grass and warm dust filled the room.

"Summery," Meir Brin commented. "Weird."

The others nodded.

A few minutes later, Madam Pomfrey emerged from behind the screened-off bed and held out a porcelain bowl to Snape. "There you are," she said. "One heart."

"Good," said Snape, though not as enthusiastically as he might have had the organ in question come from the original and not a copy. "The potion should be ready by the end of the day." He took the bowl containing the heart and returned swiftly to the dungeons and his potion.

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