Subject: #5 A cat from the deep
Posted on: 2009-09-15 03:12:00 UTC

Barnabus tried to blink as the message ended. The tasoth had received many strange instructions over the millennium, ranging from a giant jellyfish with poison replaced with weapons it could not use to a T-Rex with a sonic cannon, but an underwater cat was particularly strange. Still, when commands came from T'leth, he obeyed.

Barnabus picked one of the lobstermen on the base at random to help with the design. After a few hours, the design seemed mostly complete, but something seemed off. The half-inch thick aqua plastic armor was somehow un-catlike. When he asked the lobsterman about it, the lobsterman said, "Yes, but it may run into X-com troops."

"Oh. Okay then, the armor is fine. Actually, give it more armor."

Something seemed vaguely off about the cluster of facial tentacles, but Barnabus decided it was good enough and sent the design to the cloning vats.

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