Subject: Who wants to take the Suefic Squared?
Posted on: 2009-09-05 21:23:00 UTC

web of secrets » by silent star of the night reviews
I don’t need a babysitter. I’m capable of handling myself. She said. Your just wasting his skills and mine. She said. Murtagh was trying desperately not to laugh at her reaction and how stubborn she was being.
Inheritance Cycle - Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Chapters: 24 - Words: 19,669 - Reviews: 32 - Updated: 3-4-09 - Published: 7-23-07

My comment: An abysmal canon, and I'm looking forward to the day it goes to the Musée des Univers Perdus, but it's still a plot continuum and therefore the PPC's duty to protect it.

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