Subject: Re: Le sigh
Posted on: 2009-08-03 01:32:00 UTC

Glod, you make me thankful I don't live in your country.

That said, we had elections here recently. More important than most; these were elections for the European Parliament, and the interesting thing with the European Parliament is, unlike the national government, they've actually heard of proportional representation. This makes me smile, and I had high hopes.

Unfortunately, I ended up having the same argument with my housemate that I've had every year since he hit eighteen in 2004. I'll spare you the detailed ramble about why a European Parliament, if done properly, is an immensely excellent thing, and skip to the bit where my housemate didn't bother to vote because, once again, he assumed there was no point.

This was coupled with me discussing these elections with various people around the same time, and discovering one of our PPC members was going for voting UKIP, and one was going for the BNP.

You expect this from your family, I think. They're your blood, and you love them, no matter what, even when they hold some bloody weird views, and they will hold some bloody weird views. What I wasn't expecting was to have PPCers espousing the same views as the BNP. I passed on the arguing about it, because I'm old enough to be jaded, but it was worrying in the extreme nonetheless.

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