Subject: Oh, man.
Posted on: 2009-08-02 01:35:00 UTC

Back during campaignin' time, my mom was helping out at a Boy Scout camp. She was sitting down to eat with the other staff, and they were all going on about how great Sarah Palin is, and how perfect she is for the job, and how McCain did a great thing when he chose her as his running mate.

Consider now that they were referring to a woman who has made disconcertingly stupid comments, who answers questions without really answering them (granted, many politicians do this, but her way of doing it is more distinct them most), who is COMPLETELY inexperienced, and who, to top it all off, is very proud of the fact that she shoots moose from helicopters for fun.

My mother, who was a supporter of Obama, reacted thus:

"Wait, you're saying you want four more years of stupid? You like what Bush has been doing for the past eight years, and you want four more years of it? Really?"

That shut them ALL up.

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