Subject: I know I've said this before...
Posted on: 2009-07-29 01:49:00 UTC

But the thing about Legendary Badfics is that they need to be fairly 'legendary'. Everyone knows C*l*br**n, which is why we can moan about bad memories and drink straight bleeprin together. I'm not saying these fics aren't terrible, but going out to look for canidates doesn't seem to be... in the spirit of it all.

Also, that Sailor Moon story is on a page with the heading "This'll get me banned."
Doesn't that qualify it as... not crackfic, but the other term...? Can't remember. But it's a deliberate attempt to be horrible, and I'm not sure if the existing Legendary Badfics were the same.

...I'm being quite a downer here, aren't I? Apologies. Just my two cents.

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