Subject: Re: Pain
Posted on: 2009-07-20 13:06:00 UTC

Ok, I reached the 'Nnnnnnnnnnnng' stage after the first two lines of that crossover one, at about the point when it said:
“Three rings for the Elven-Kings under the sky,
Eleven for the Dwarf-Lords in there halls of stone,"
Aaarghaaarghaaargh. *sound of head banging against wall* It's not like it's that hard to go and check... And what in the Nine Hells is Artemis doing hanging around either Middle-Earth or Tortall? Were the regular pantheons of either realm lacking in some way?

Though I did crack up when Arwen described Legolas as "the closest thing she had to a brother". Aside from, you know, her *actual* brothers :D

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