Subject: Re: OT: Moving!
Posted on: 2009-07-17 14:20:00 UTC

A few pearls of wisdom I've picked up while living with a male housemate:

1) Impress upon him the importance of toilet roll. Living with your parents, you'll have had a mother with sense and a well trained father. Living with your young man, you may well find that he's perfectly capable of saving up his poos until he gets to work, and doesn't realise that this method does not actually work for women.

2) Be prepared for an array of unpleasant substances on tissues dotted about your home. Earwax is the prime culprit in this house, although given your average man there are many other possibilities.

3) There will be Smells. You have been warned.

I wish you the best of luck in your man-training. And also in your moving. Still, at least you get unpacking and shelving books to look forward to.

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