Subject: "Call a Flower. Why would a team be missing?"
Posted on: 2009-06-20 09:05:00 UTC

Something's definitely not right here. You haven't been an Agent too long, and even you are getting very Bad vibes. You step cautiously into the RC, looking around for any disturbances and ignoring the beeps.

Nothing. Not one thing out of place or even slightly awry. No signs of struggle, or anything at all. Giving the Console a sharp whack to shut it up, you dial in a number and press a button. After several seconds, the face of the Sunflower Official appears on the screen.

Yes? What is it... he seems to realise something, doing a Plant equivalent of a double take and changing his train of questioning. Agent, that's not your RC, what are you doing there?

What do you do?

-Tell the SO the truth, reporting what you noticed.
-Chicken out and terminate the call, taking the risk of making him suspicious.
-Make something up.

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