Subject: "I can ride my bike with no handlebars, no handlbars..."
Posted on: 2009-06-18 23:11:00 UTC

Actually, I can't, but I love my bike anyway. It is blue.

Hm...favorite bike story? When I was first learning to ride, I had training wheels and no matter how much my parents tried to convince me, I refused to take 'em off. So one day my mom "accidentally" ran over them in her van, and with no help whatsoever I took 'em off, hopped on, and started pedaling around.

And then there's the time I almost fell off a cliff my first time riding my current bike...went over a rock weird, got thrown, and was semi-dangling and flipping out a bit until my brother came to pull me up. This is why we bike in pairs, yes.

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