Subject: Re: So, Cassie and I were pondering a Summer Gathering.
Posted on: 2009-06-10 02:36:00 UTC

I love how much faith you have in me having tuppence to rub together.

If I can rig the train fare though (likely - my dad is a soft touch when confronted with appropriate puppy eyes and pathetic daughterly "Have I told you how much I love you recently, Daddy darling?") I'll probably be up for staying late - I know a million people in Leeds and could stay overnight.

So, count me in, unless a miracle happens and I actually find gainful employment that interferes.

Oh, and... the 9th, I think, of August is my cousin's wedding, and my sister plus husband and kids will be up here for a week either before or after - I won't be available when they're here.

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