Subject: And to be on topic for once...
Posted on: 2009-06-08 05:52:00 UTC

Elves, Hobbits, & Mary-Sues, Oh My Rather liked this one, despite it being a Mary Sue Girl-falls-into-ME Legomance. Also proves even more that, as Trojie and Pads stated, there is no such thing as a bad genre. Bast herself liked the fic, as shown in her reviews and her old FFN account's favorites list. I found it through there, and was not disappointed.

There's a most likely not dead sequel here. Seems the author is determined to prove that almost every single one of the PPC's most kill-worthy offenses can be written well, as this is a HP/LoTR crossover that doesn't have my blood boiling. I'm beginning to wonder if she'll try turning the Prophesied Hero OC or Woeful Angsty Past plot points into something readable next.

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