Subject: A list of questions...
Posted on: 2009-05-13 22:52:00 UTC

I kept myself from asking these over the past month until I had more than two. So, here they are:

1. Are you allowed to create your own stuff for the PPC? (e.g. gadgets, machines, technology)

2. Can minis be created from names other than character names? (e.g. misspellings of the words "Griffindor" or "Rivendell")

3. Are misspelled surnames used as minis?

4. Can some AUs be deemed as badfic? If so, what would deem them as badfic? For this one, I only ask because I saw a AU story that had me cringing.
Here's the link:
For those who haven't read the "Protector of the Small" quartet by Tamora Pierce, think of it as a Draco/Hermione shipfic.

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