Subject: Here's the rundown:
Posted on: 2009-05-14 22:32:00 UTC

Joren (as quoted from the TP wikia):

"Joren of Stone Mountain is the son of Burchard of Stone Mountain. He is very much a conservative and appears in First Test, Page and Squire as the main nemesis of Keladry of Mindelan, hazing new pages brutally and picking on Kel especially because she was a girl. He arranged the kidnapping of Kel's maid Lalasa and her dog Jump to make Kel miss her exams and was charged for the crimes, but was only forced to pay a fine because he was a noble and Lalasa was not (this lead Kel to ask King Jonathan to change the laws).

In the novel Squire , Joren is found dead in the Chamber of the Ordeal. However, it wasn't the Chamber judging him for his crimes but his own inflexibility that killed him. The Chamber doesn't judge the character, it just tests if the candidate is fit to survive as a knight of the realm. As "Joren could not bend, even a little", he didn't survive the test set for him by the chamber."

Joren has longish white-blond hair, blue eyes and is described in the books by Kel as being "the most beautiful boy she had ever seen," or something like that. (She also mentions that Joren's looks go to the point of almost being feminine.)

I personally just think that he's a rival character of Kel and the Suethors should leave him alone. If they can't write him correctly, then they shouldn't bother with trying until they learn how. Poor boy. He's an absolute fangirl magnet.

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